Haunted Places in Singapore

Haunted Places in Singapore

Are you a thrill-seeker who loves the idea of exploring the supernatural? Then you'll be intrigued to know that Singapore has a reputation for being haunted. We're not talking about the actors at Halloween Horror Nights or haunted houses in malls, we're talking about the real deal. There are plenty of ghost stories, supernatural sightings, and urban legends that surround certain areas in Singapore.

If you're feeling brave, we've compiled a list of the most haunted places in Singapore. From derelict buildings to old hospitals, these places are not for the faint of heart. But for those who love a good scare, exploring these spooky spots can be an unforgettable experience.

Despite our love for science and facts, it's hard to shake off the eerie feeling that comes with visiting these haunted places. But for those who dare to explore, be sure to keep an open mind and a brave heart. So come, explore the darker side of Singapore... if you're brave enough.

Old Changi Hospital

Are you a fan of spine-chilling tales and love exploring haunted places? Then you must add Changi Old Beach House to your must-visit list in Singapore. This abandoned building is believed to be haunted by the restless souls of those who were tortured and executed by the Japanese during World War II, as well as a security guard who used to work there.

The building was used by the Kempeitai, the Japanese military police, as a prison for more than 50,000 Allied prisoners-of-war and as a torture chamber during the Japanese Occupation. After it was vacated in 1997, four decades after it was first built, the new Changi General Hospital was opened. Since then, the abandoned building has gained a reputation for being one of the spookiest places in Singapore.

Despite its dark history, Changi Old Beach House still stands and occasional ghost tours are held there, allowing visitors to explore the eerie location and learn about the building's haunting past. If you're looking for a unique and spine-tingling experience, then a visit to Changi Old Beach House is a must-try. But beware, the spirits that still linger may give you more than just a fright.

Spooner Road

Nestled in the heart of Kampong Bahru lies a hidden gem that few locals even know about - an old, dilapidated estate that is home to low-income families and those who can only afford low rent. But don't let its humble appearance fool you, as it's rumoured to be the most haunted estate in Singapore.

Legend has it that due to many units being left unoccupied for extended periods, spirits decided to make their home here. And when new tenants moved in, the spirits became unsettled and began to "retaliate". If you're a fan of the supernatural, there are numerous videos online that document eerie encounters in the estate.

Are you feeling brave enough to explore the paranormal? Why not make a trip down to this haunted estate and see for yourself? Be warned, this experience is not for the faint of heart. But for those who dare, it may just be an unforgettable adventure that you'll never forget. Are you ready to face the spirits that call this place home?

Pasir Ris Tower

Looking for a little midnight adventure in Singapore? If you've been to parties held at chalets in Loyang, you may have heard of the Pasir Ris Red House. Once owned by Sir Percy McNeice, Singapore's first president of the City Council, and later by Tang Chook Keng, the boss of Tangs department store, this abandoned house has a dark and mysterious history.

Legend has it that the Red House is haunted by a weeping doll sitting on a rocking chair, white shadows that appear within the area, and even stone lion statues that seem to come to life as visitors approach. Rumours abound of a mass murder that occurred on the property, adding to the eerie atmosphere of this abandoned mansion.

Although it's since been refurbished into a pre-school, you can still find online images of what the house used to look like. And trust us, they're spooky enough to send shivers down your spine.

If you're feeling brave enough to explore the darker side of Singapore, why not check out the Pasir Ris Red House for yourself? Just be sure to bring a friend or two, and a flashlight, of course.

Neo Tiew Estate

Looking for a spine-tingling adventure in Singapore? Look no further than the abandoned Neo Tiew Estate in Lim Chu Kang. Named after the business that helped develop the area in the 20th century, this three-story mansion comes complete with a playground and wet market. Even from far away, the building looks eerie and haunting.

But that's not all. The estate is also shrouded in local legend. According to the story, a gambler once prayed to the king of banana trees for a big lottery win. He even placed seven pins to threaten the tree, and sure enough, he won big. But instead of removing the pins, he took his money and fled, leaving the tree to wither and die.

As legend has it, the spirit of the king has stayed in the tree for years, haunting the estate and the surrounding area. Some say it's even haunted by a Pontianak, a vengeful female spirit from Malay folklore. Residents of the Lim Chu Kang zone have reported sightings of strange figures and unexplained occurrences, adding to the spooky atmosphere of this abandoned property.

So if you're feeling brave, why not check out the Neo Tiew Estate for yourself? Just be sure to bring a flashlight, and maybe a friend or two for company.

Bedok Reservoir

Welcome to Siglap, a neighbourhood in Singapore with a dark and eerie past. Its name is derived from an incident that occurred in 1821 during a solar eclipse, which left the area shrouded in darkness. And if you're a fan of the supernatural, you'll be fascinated to know that Siglap is haunted by the 'Orang Bunian', a supernatural human-like creature from Malay folklore.

But that's not all - the neighbourhood is also home to Kubur Kassim, a 90-year-old Malay cemetery. If you're brave enough to venture inside, you might just spot grave plots dedicated to the 'Orang Bunian', as well as the infamous Pontianak - a malevolent female spirit from Malay mythology that inspired the classic Malay film of the same name.

Despite its spooky reputation, Siglap is a charming neighbourhood with plenty of character and history. Whether you're a ghost hunter or simply curious about the supernatural, a visit to Siglap is sure to be an unforgettable experience. So why not come and explore this mysterious corner of Singapore for yourself? Just be sure to bring a friend or two... and maybe a flashlight.


If you're seeking an eerie adventure in Singapore, you won't want to miss this offshore island. The island is infamous for its paranormal activity, with countless stories of spooky encounters circulating among those who have served their National Service there. From ghostly soldiers to mysterious long-haired figures perched atop obstacle courses at night, the island has become a rite of passage for those in conscription.

Whether you're a believer in the supernatural or a skeptic, a visit to this island is sure to send shivers down your spine. So why not explore the haunted history of this mysterious island and see if you can spot any of the ghostly apparitions said to haunt its shores? Just be sure to bring a flashlight and a friend or two - you never know what you might find.

Old Tampines Road

Looking for a spooky thrill in Singapore? Head over to the long and quiet stretch of Lim Chu Kang Road, where multiple sightings of Pontianaks, vengeful spirits of women who died during pregnancy or childbirth, have been reported

While there is no official recorded history of the haunting, many riders and cyclists passing through the area late at night have reported feeling an "extra weight" on their bikes, as if something unseen is riding along with them. Adding to the eerie atmosphere, there is always a sweet, floral scent lingering in the air during these incidents.

Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, a trip down Lim Chu Kang Road is sure to send shivers down your spine. So gather your bravest friends and set out on an unforgettable adventure to uncover the secrets of this haunted stretch of road. Just be sure to keep your wits about you, and watch out for any unexpected encounters with the Pontianaks.

Haw Par Villa

Looking for a spine-tingling experience in Singapore? Look no further than Haw Par Villa, a theme park dedicated to Chinese mythology and folklore. But beware, as night falls, the park takes on a much darker tone.

One of the most infamous exhibits at Haw Par Villa is the Ten Courts of Hell, where wax statues depict condemned souls suffering gruesome tortures. But it's not just the disturbing displays that will send chills down your spine – according to legend, the statues come to life at night, filling the exhibit with screams of agony.

The park was built by the Burmese Aw brothers, who made their fortune selling Tiger Balm heat rub. They lent their names, Haw ('tiger') and Paw ('leopard'), to the park, where visitors could learn about traditional Chinese myths through vivid and sometimes macabre wax dioramas.

With its bizarre and sometimes terrifying exhibits, Haw Par Villa has gained a reputation as one of the most haunted places in Singapore. If you're feeling brave, why not visit at night and see for yourself? Just be sure to bring a friend or two – you never know what you might encounter in the Ten Courts of Hell.

Matilda House

Are you a fan of spine-tingling stories and eerie experiences? Look no further than Matilda House, one of Singapore's most haunted locations. Built in 1902 by Irish lawyer Alexander Cashin for his wife, Matilda House has a rich history and a mysterious reputation that continues to fascinate locals and visitors alike.

Legend has it that the house is haunted by the spirit of a woman with long hair, who can sometimes be seen lurking in the surrounding trees. Rumours also persist of workers dying while attempting to tear down the house or carry out major renovations, leading many to believe that there are unexplained forces at work.

Despite multiple attempts to demolish the house, it has refused to go quietly into the night, with mysterious obstacles always seeming to prevent any major changes to the structure. It's a spooky and intriguing mystery that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

So why not take a trip to Matilda House and see for yourself what all the fuss is about? Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, this haunted house is sure to provide an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after you leave. Just be sure to keep your wits about you, and maybe bring a friend or two for moral support.

FAQ's of Haunted Places in Singapore

What precautions should I take if I want to explore haunted places in Singapore?

Exploring haunted places can be a thrilling and exciting experience, but it's important to take some precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Respect the location: If you are visiting a haunted place, remember that it may be a sacred or historical site, and treat it with respect. Do not damage any property, take anything with you or disturb the surroundings.
  • Go in a group: Always explore haunted places with a group of friends or family members. It's safer to have someone with you in case of an emergency.
  • Be prepared: Wear appropriate clothing and shoes, and bring a flashlight, a fully charged mobile phone and any necessary equipment, such as a camera or recording device.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings and be alert for any potential hazards, such as unstable floors or falling debris. Stay on marked paths or designated areas to avoid getting lost.
  • Follow the rules: Some haunted places may have restrictions or regulations in place for visitors. Make sure to follow any rules or guidelines, and respect any warning signs or notices.
  • Don't provoke spirits: It's important to remember that these are real people who may have passed away tragically or suddenly. Do not provoke or disrespect any spirits or entities you may encounter during your exploration.
  • Leave if you feel uncomfortable: If you start feeling uncomfortable or scared at any point during your exploration, it's best to leave the location and return another time when you feel more comfortable.

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Are there any specific times or days when paranormal activity is more likely to occur in Singapore's haunted places?

There is no specific day or time when paranormal activity is more likely to occur in Singapore's haunted places. However, some people believe that paranormal activity is more common during the "ghost month," which typically falls in August or September in the lunar calendar. Additionally, some believe that activity may be more likely to occur at night or during certain phases of the moon. Ultimately, there is no way to predict when or where paranormal activity may occur, so it's important to always be cautious and respectful when exploring haunted places.

Are there any haunted places in Singapore that are off-limits to the public?

Yes, there are several haunted places in Singapore that are off-limits to the public. These places include some abandoned buildings, military installations, and other areas that are deemed unsafe or inaccessible. Some places may also be off-limits due to their historical or cultural significance. It's important to respect any barriers or signs indicating that an area is off-limits, as they are there for your safety and to preserve the integrity of the site. Trespassing on private property or entering restricted areas can result in fines or legal consequences, and can also be dangerous if the area is not properly maintained. If you are interested in exploring haunted places in Singapore, it's best to stick to areas that are open to the public or to participate in guided tours with licensed operators.

What are some of the lesser-known haunted places in Singapore that are worth visiting?

Here are some of the lesser-known haunted places in Singapore that are worth visiting:

  • Old Changi Hospital: This abandoned hospital is said to be haunted by the spirits of World War II prisoners of war who were tortured and killed there.
  • Haw Par Villa: This popular tourist attraction is also known for its creepy depictions of Chinese folklore and mythology. It is believed that some of the statues come alive at night.
  • Istana Woodneuk: This former royal palace is located in the middle of a forest and is believed to be haunted by the spirits of its former residents.
  • Bukit Brown Cemetery: This cemetery is the final resting place of many early Singaporean pioneers and is said to be haunted by their spirits.
  • Mount Sophia: This hill is home to a number of historic buildings and is believed to be haunted by the spirits of early Singaporean settlers.
  • Bedok Reservoir: This man-made reservoir is believed to be haunted by the spirits of people who have drowned there.

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